Saturday, 5 December 2009

Which are the motives of the Greek Open Source Developers ?

Ever wondered which are the motives of the Greek open source developers ?

This is the question that two MBIT students seek to answer and I would be grateful if Greek open source developers could complete this questionnaire.

The results will source !

Friday, 25 September 2009

Favorite MBIT 2009 Blog Award !

The poll has closed.

The outcome of our poll clearly indicates that the winner is: BRAINTIVITY blog

Congratulations girls !

Thursday, 7 May 2009

Vote for your favorite MBIT 2009 Blog !

The voting process for the most favorable MBIT 2009 blog is officially........ open !

Please share your views with us and vote for your favorite blog among our seven contestants.

Thanks a million !

Saturday, 7 March 2009

Poll Results: Blogging & None Blogging Motives

The two online polls in relation to blogging have been closed.

Let's see the results !

Why do you blog? networking... is the answer

The poll results show that around 60% of our respondents consider that the key driving force for blogging is to express their own opinion. While 30% utilise blogs primarly as a mean for documenting their life and 10% to find friends.

You do not blog? Why? .........I want to but the answer

The poll results for the non-bloggers are very insightfull. If you look a little deeper into our responses you will see that 88% of non-bloggers are bloggers to be and only 12% wish to remain in the outer part of the blogsphere which entails less blogging activity.

Thank you all for taking part in these poll !

Monday, 26 January 2009

Blog Classification

Blogs have evolved significantly since the early and influential weblog of Jorn Barger back in 1997.

Although personal bloggers dominate the blogosphere (79 % of all bloggers according to Technorati, 2008), business blogging has increased substantially. The commercial use of blogs in a common phenomenon nowdays, leading to more efficient communication, networking and knowledge management practices.

A simple taxonomy of blogs is presented here, based on two distinct blog-dimensions: the blog theme (i.e., personal, business) and blog-authorship (i.e., individual, group).

Wednesday, 21 January 2009

Blog vs. Homepage

Which are the differences, one wonders. Well they range from nature and format to commentary policy.

I tried to create a synopsis of some of their key differentiating characteristics.

More to follow.....